1. Introduction

This section contains information regarding the methods of management of in reference to the processing of user data. This privacy policy also applies to the Code regarding the protection of personal data (Art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003) for those who interact with and can be reached at the address corresponding to the home page: This policy is only applicable to and not to any other websites that the user may consult via links within it. The purpose of this document is to provide information regarding the methods, timing, and nature of the information that data controllers must provide to users at the time of connection to the web pages of, regardless of the purpose of the connection, in accordance with Recommendation no. 2/2001 that the European authorities for the protection of personal data, gathered by art. 29 of directive no. 95/46/CE, adopted on May 17, 2001 for the collection of personal data online.

2. Data Processing

Data Controller

During the use of, data relating to identified or identifiable persons may be processed to provide services or improve them, both for basic services such as identifying the user's language and for more complex services. The data controller is with headquarters in: Avda. Habana 4, Los Cristianos, 36850, Tenerife, Spain.

Data Processor

The data controller has appointed as the data processor in accordance with Article 29 of the Code regarding the protection of personal data, as it is responsible for the maintenance of the technological part of


The processing of data generated by the use of takes place at the headquarters of the data controller with the intervention of the subjects appointed by it.

Data Processed


Cookies are data that are sent from to the user's internet browser and are stored by it to then be retransmitted to the site during the next visit...

Navigation Data

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols...

Data Provided by the User

The optional, explicit, and voluntary sending of electronic mail to the addresses indicated on this site entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender's address, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data included in the message...

3. Optional Nature of Data Provision

The user is always free to provide the personal data requested for the sending of informative material, except for what is necessary for navigation. The failure to provide such data, on the other hand, may result in the inability to obtain what has been requested.

4. Methods of Processing

Personal data is processed with automated tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected. Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illegal or incorrect use, and unauthorized access.

5. Rights of the Interested Parties

Information regarding the content, origin, accuracy, integration, updating, or correction of data is accessible to the owner of the data, as well as its existence in the archives of, which can be verified by request...

6. Security of Provided Data

Data security is guaranteed during the use of the platform by the compliance of the procedures adopted by with the Privacy Code (Legislative Decree 196/2003) with particular regard to the user's personal data.

7. Amendments to this Document

This document, published at the address: constitutes the privacy policy of this site. It may be subject to changes or updates. The document was updated on 11/04/2018 to be in compliance with regulatory provisions in the matter.